Territory Art Trails

The Territory Art Trails is a tourism initiative promoting the Territory as the premier global destination to visit for Australian Aboriginal art and culture.
The Territory Art Trails is much more than just a map. It’s about connecting the Territory’s collective art and cultural attractions to create a rich, distinctive and unforgettable experience for visitors.
Get involved
To be featured on the Arts Trail, Territory arts and tourism businesses and organisations must meet specific criteria to ensure all experiences on the Art Trails are of high quality, adhere to industry standards and guidelines and are considered “visitor ready”.
To join the Territory Arts Trail arts business and organisations must have:
- Completed the Art Trails Checklist
- Have 50% of product or experience arts related; OR
- Have 50% of product or experience has an Aboriginal art or cultural focus.
The campaign
Tourism NT’s 2021 Territory Art Trails campaign markets the Territory’s leading Aboriginal or art related festivals, events, galleries, museums and cultural products to a domestic audience.
Visit www.northernterritory.com/territory-art-trails for more information and view the Territory Art Trails Guide.
The arts trail campaign is in market from 15th April to 31st May 2021. The objective of the campaign is to strengthen and showcase the Northern Territory’s distinctive Aboriginal cultural tourism experiences and grow the value of the holiday market. This is achieved strengthening brand differentiation, growing our share of voice and by showcasing Aboriginal culture through events, experiences and attractions.
Territory Art Trails is a predominately digital campaign with an awareness, planning and conversion phase and within each phase fresh content will be developed which will be relevant towards our retargeting audiences. The campaign creative will include an Arts Trail guide, itineraries, video and other static creative assets.
The Territory Arts Trail creative positioning is ‘It’s an art gallery but different’, which aligns with the overall brand messaging.
Find out more
To find out more about how to get involved, download the Territory Art Trails Campaign Fact Sheet.
To request marketing materials or an Art Trails Checklist, contact the Art Trails team:
Phone: 08 8999 8981
Email: [email protected]