Unlocking Aboriginal Tourism Development Funding

Tourism NT is providing a total of up to $145,000 (excluding GST) in consultancy services to NT majority owned Aboriginal businesses and organisations (Aboriginal tourism clients) to help access opportunities and unlock potential Aboriginal tourism development funding.
To support the development of bookable experiences and quality of experiences and product there is a need to assist Aboriginal tourism clients to access services to navigate, understand and identify tourism development funding opportunities.
Many of these businesses and organisations have business and project plans and ambitions, however need access to additional support and funding to bring these plans to fruition.
There is a broad range of Australian Government, NT Government and philanthropic funding opportunities (funding opportunities) for the Aboriginal tourism sector. Navigating and accessing potential funding opportunities can be challenging and an intensive time consuming activity.
To access support, Aboriginal tourism clients will identify the Aboriginal tourism business development need that requires funding.
The initiative will focus on support for tourism-related business development needs for new or enhanced existing tourism product offerings and experiences, including:
- new product capital
- enhanced visitor experiences including infrastructure improvements
- business development through improvement in systems and processes e.g. booking systems
- workforce development
- strategic marketing development (excludes ongoing/operational activities and services) that supports potential engagement with new markets and trade distribution partners.
Consultancy service opportunity
There are two levels of consultancy services available to help access opportunities and unlock potential funding.
- Level 1 – advice and initial assistance about potential funding availability up to a maximum 2 hours.
- Level 2 - funding application preparation service including assistance in writing submissions up to a maximum 16 hours.
The following consultant is available for applicants to work with:
Remote Strategy Plus
For more information
Email [email protected] or call 7988 9882 or
visit www.remotestrategyplus.com.au
Indicative dates
Closing date | 4pm, 18 April 2025 or sooner if the allocated budget is exhausted |
Consideration of applications | As they are received |
Service completion | Within 30 days of being funded |
*Note: this is an open non-competitive initiative and applications will be assessed as received.
Dates are indicative only and if funding is fully subscribed, the initiative may close earlier.
How to apply