Nominations open for 2022 NT Top Tourism Town Awards

The Top Tourism Town Awards showcase the value of tourism to towns and communities across Australia and celebrates the diverse and outstanding regional destinations of our country.
The Northern Territory is seeking entrants for our top towns in the following categories:
- Top Tourism Town Award – for towns with a population over 5,000 people
- Small Tourism Town Award – for towns with a population of less than 5,000 people; and
- Tiny Tourism Town Award – for towns with a population of less than 1,500 people.
Entry comprises of the town submitting an overview of the town, a visitor itinerary including accommodation and activities, a promotional video highlighting key attractions, a short editorial article on why visitors should come to the town and a list of accommodation and attraction activities to generate a GRI score via ReviewPro.
The NT finalists will be announced in late June 2022 and receive a Top Tourism Town Award finalist logo for future marketing and the town itinerary featured on Tourism NT’s consumer website for travellers,
Nominations and submissions must be endorsed by the local visitor information centre and/or local council and close 12 noon, Tuesday 10 May 2022.
To view the entrant guidelines including tips for entrants and more detail on the nomination and judging process go to Top Tourism Town Awards 2022
All nominations are to be submitted via the awards portal
The NT public will have the chance to vote for their top tourism town with voting taking place from 25 May 2022 to Wednesday, 8 June 2022.
More details on how to vote will be released in early May.