Grants to enhance visitor experience

The Territory Government is backing in tourism and hospitality operators with the latest round of the Visitor Experience Enhancement Program (VEEP), which will help businesses upgrade their facilities and entice tourists to the Territory.
In round six of VEEP, there is a $1 million funding pool to help tour operators take on projects that improve the on-ground visitor experience, which keeps tourists coming back and staying longer.
Businesses can apply for funding from $30,000 up to $100,000, with a matching cash contribution required.
VEEP provides support to local tourism operators to enhance their product offerings and improve the on-ground visitor experience.
The grants can be used for a range of projects from infrastructure upgrades, to projects that improve safety or disability access for customers and staff, implementing new technologies to enhance tourism retail spaces, or developing new products and experiences.
Applicants will need to demonstrate how the project will enhance the visitor experience, increase favourable reviews from customers and increase visitor numbers, with priority given to projects that demonstrate the greatest need for visitor enhancement.
As well as stimulating private investment, VEEP has flow-on benefits for other industry sectors, with applicants required to use local suppliers for services and materials.
The NT Government has granted $6.9 million in VEEP funding through 5 funding rounds with the Roadhouse to Recovery grant program providing a further $6.8 million to remote roadhouses, wayside inns and caravan parks through the initial two rounds.
Applications for VEEP Round 6 are now open on and close 14 April 2023. Projects must be completed by 30 April 2024.
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